Chapel of St. John the Baptist Virtual walk

Lukinić brdo
In the village Lukinić Brdo, the chapel of St. John the Baptist, which was built in 1908 thanks to the priest Josip pl. Pucekovic, still stands today in the place where an old wooden chapel stood almost 250 years earlier.

In the village Lukinić Brdo, the chapel of St. John the Baptist, which was built in 1908 thanks to the priest Josip pl. Pucekovic, still stands today in the place where an old wooden chapel stood almost 250 years earlier.

Today’s wooden beauty was built by Marko and Jura Jankovic, builders from Cicka Poljana, and their carpentry company built wooden buildings all over Turopolje. The noble municipality of Turopolje donated wood for its construction, and the altar was made by Ladislav Pospisl from Busevec.


Virtual walk